
Ansicht 1 bis 3 von 3 Artikel

The present dissertation is focused on the phylogenetic, biochemical, structural and physiological analysis of the hydratases from Streptococcus pyogenes M49 and Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. These hydratases belong to myosin cross-reactive antigen (MCRA) protein family for which knowledge on the biochemical and physiological function is scarce. This study provides the first line of evidences on biological significance of this protein family as ubiquitous bacterial enzymes which metabolize highly toxic unsaturated fatty acids to their less toxic and more soluble hydroxy derivatives....


Unter den Gram-negativen Erregern ist Escherichia coli(E. coli) die Hauptursache nosokomialer Infektionen. Infolge von Antibiotika-Therapien kommt es zur Ausbildung von Resistenzen, bei E. coli vorwiegend gegen beta-Laktam-Antibiotika wie Penicilline und Cephalosporine (ESBL-Bildner). Diese Arbeit beschreibt die molekulargenetischen Ursachen, die zur Verbreitung der Gene für Cephalosporin-Resistenz, blaCTX-M, beitragen. Anhand einer Kollektion von E. coli Isolaten aus nosokomialen Infektionen konnte beispielhaft gezeigt werden, dass neben klonaler Ausbreitung Cephalosporin-resistenter E. coli Stämme auch spezifische mobile genetische Elemente (MGE), darunter IS26 Transposons, eine entscheidende Rolle für die Verbreitung der Resistenzgene spielen. Desweiteren...


Tropical rainforests are hostspots of biodiversity. Therefore, their species’ richness and sustainability are of central importance. However, during the last decades, the destruction of tropical forest, mainly by illegal logging, has severely degraded the tropical rainforests. In terms of forest certification, timber identification of tree species and their origin are recently being applied for monitoring and control of illegal activities and thereby aiming at the conservation of tropical forests. The development of molecular methods (e.g. genetic fingerprints) as tools for...
