Law, economics, social sciences

Law, economics, social sciences

In the digital age, the legal, economic and social relationships between states, companies, organizations and individuals are more intertwined than ever due to globalization and are subject to constant change. In this category you will find numerous publications and outstanding quality work on a wide range of topics. Sophisticated, up-to-date, critical and research-relevant specialist literature for study and work. From academics for academics and decision-makers of tomorrow - read for yourself! Would you also like to publish your work, dissertation, thesis or specialist book in the field of law, economics or social sciences? Then send us your manuscript and benefit from our many years of experience in publishing sophisticated, expressive and media-effective specialist literature.

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In her work, the author first presented the essentials of the theory, empiricism and method of Maria Montessori and Emmi Pikler. In the practical part, she shows how these methods are used today, based on observations in a crèche and an interview with a kindergarten teacher. The work is therefore interesting for educators, but also for parents who have children in institutions that work according to Montessori and/or Pikler. In the final part, the connection is made between the theory...




"It is the great achievement of Martin Wassermair to have identified a historical place in which continuity and rupture, complexity and simplicity in the process of formation and deformation are clearly manifested. Performances of ' Fidelio' did not only take place at such central reference points of Austrian self-discovery as in the years 1955 and 1945. Through Beethoven, the social-democratic workers' movement connected with the bourgeois nation - but at that time the German nation, and Beethoven is also recognizable as...


Especially in times of economic tension, there is a feeling that financial markets do not contribute to the common good. In the course of increasing globalization, financial and currency crises not only harm the local polluters, but also seemingly uninvolved groups of society beyond national borders. Overall, international capital flows have a decisive influence on the development of the global economy due to their volume and speed. It is therefore necessary for financial markets to function in accordance with their...


The present book follows the emerged view and growing awareness of the enhancing and discouraging effects in recent years that institutions may play for the female labor force participation. These institutions encompass formal and informal social rules and norms (customs, traditions, codes of conduct). The aim of this work is to examine the effect of several such social institutions (formal and informal constraints) imposed on women, which were provided by the OECD Social Institutions and Development Database (GID) and are...


The unions are at a crossroads. Although the much-cited crisis of the trade unions does not endanger their existence, it does require a decision regarding their function and their understanding of their role. The decision is: Do the unions accept the new balance of power between labor and capital and assume the role of a pragmatic companion to modernization, relying on derived power as an ordering factor, which is still granted to them by capital and the state? Do the...


The unions are at a crossroads. Although the much-cited crisis of the trade unions does not endanger their existence, it does require a decision regarding their function and their understanding of their role. The decision is: Do the unions accept the new balance of power between labor and capital and assume the role of a pragmatic companion to modernization, relying on derived power as an ordering factor, which is still granted to them by capital and the state? Do the...


Depression is still a taboo subject even in the 21st century, although theoretically it can affect anyone. Especially when it comes to men who are affected by this disease. The image of a man suffering from depression contradicts the ideas of a performance-oriented society. External factors such as bullying, stress, social isolation, separation in general can be triggers for depression. In the first part of this work, the clinical picture of depression and its multifactorial development conditions are to be...


The book retail industry is changing. With the rise of the internet and e-books, the stationary book trade is confronted with a precarious situation, which results in numerous business closures and insolvencies year after year. The big retailers Thalia, Mayersche, Hugendubel and Co. have now started to reduce the number of their branches after years of expansion policy. The remaining businesses are evolving more and more from bookstores to media houses, which increasingly offer DVDs, toys and other non-book items....
