Law, economics, social sciences

Law, economics, social sciences

In the digital age, the legal, economic and social relationships between states, companies, organizations and individuals are more intertwined than ever due to globalization and are subject to constant change. In this category you will find numerous publications and outstanding quality work on a wide range of topics. Sophisticated, up-to-date, critical and research-relevant specialist literature for study and work. From academics for academics and decision-makers of tomorrow - read for yourself! Would you also like to publish your work, dissertation, thesis or specialist book in the field of law, economics or social sciences? Then send us your manuscript and benefit from our many years of experience in publishing sophisticated, expressive and media-effective specialist literature.

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The central subject of this study is Directive 2011/24/EU on the exercise of patients' rights in cross-border healthcare, which codifies the principles of ECJ case law on cross-border healthcare services. This study examines the extent to which the Directive succeeds in striking a balance between the interests of the Member States in maintaining the functionality and affordability of their health systems, the interests of patients in legally secure, Union-wide use of health services and the Union's goal of a European...


The educational success of learners is indisputably closely related to healthy, motivated teachers: the health of everyone involved in the teaching process promotes the quality of schools. In occupational medicine, there is an increasing impression that teachers, in particular, often describe themselves as burned out. The aim of the work is to develop a survey instrument in the context of health promotion for teachers, with which an individual resource use profile for maintaining and promoting health can be created. If...


Buyer power is playing an increasing role in the competition policy discussion, especially against the background of an ever more concentrated food retail trade. Current case law as well as proceedings and investigations by the Federal Cartel Office have recently brought the topic into the focus of science.The present study comes to the conclusion that buyer power manifests itself in the form of bilateral bargaining power and provides the legal practitioner with criteria for their existence. In addition, she examines...


Traditionally, trademark rights apply uniformly to the entire protected area for which they are granted. This principle faces new challenges in the case of the community trademark on the territory of the EU. The present thesis examines the conflict between territorially divergent perceptions of traffic in Europe and the scope of an infringement of a community trademark. The author goes into the different offenses and clarifies the relevance of the specific traffic perception. Furthermore, the author deals with the principle...


content The so called “European Migrant Crisis” of 2015 has renewed the attention of European leaders, and especially the German government, for Africa. The ambitious goal of Germany's "Marshall Plan for Africa" ​​is to support private sector activity on the continent and ultimately reduce unwanted migration to Europe. This book offers a review of the “economic development against migration” narrative with a focus on Germany. Starting out from a macro-perspective it first looks at the general relationship between foreign direct...


This dissertation provides an analytical and coherent presentation of the problem of a uniform monetary policy in an inhomogeneous currency area. To this end, the critical situation in the European Monetary Union is discussed, the effects of the uniform, highly expansive monetary policy of the European Central Bank are examined and possible solutions are outlined with which the current crisis can be overcome. In the first main part, in addition to the well-known characteristics of optimal currency areas, additional requirements...


After some of the major war criminals of the 20th century had been prosecuted for crimes against peace before the International Military Tribunals in Nuremberg and Tokyo after World War II, the so-called 'mother of all crimes' vanished from the international scene just as quickly as it had appeared before. This suggested that the conviction of high-ranking state officials for the illegitimate use of force against other countries would remain a one-off event in the history of mankind. It was...


"The dissertation by Mr. PengdwendeRodrigue Sinna Digdabgo confronts the concept of civil society, which has emerged in the Western context, with the social reality in Burkina Faso. To this end, the author develops a highly original interpretation of the term based on a reading of several Western classics, notably by Norbert Elias, Anthony Giddens and Pierre Bourdieu. He pursues the argument that a civil society understood in this way is linked to social modernization (...) as an answer to the uncertainties...


When we think of leadership, do we have a certain idea or a certain "image in our heads" of what leadership is and how we recognize (good) leadership. For example, a manager should make decisions, be motivating or set goals for employees. So we expect certain qualities and behaviors from leaders. But what image do managers actually have of employees? What assumptions do managers associate with (good) employees and what do they expect from employees? Ultimately, the manager and the...


With the law to further facilitate the restructuring of companies (ESUG), the legislature had set out to subject the German insolvency law, which is systemically geared towards breaking up and liquidation, to a new restructuring culture. The present study contributes to the legal discussion about the problems raised in this context and in particular investigates the question of whether the insolvency law reform has created easier conditions for the takeover of companies in addition to a legally secure and planning-safe...


Although case law has been dealing with the conformity of German inheritance tax law with European law for twenty years, this topic is regularly overshadowed in the literature by the analysis of income tax law. The author therefore deals fundamentally with the compatibility of inheritance tax law with Union law and the relevant provisions of the European treaties. The first part of the work deals with the general requirements of European law that the legislator has to observe in inheritance...


The subject of the dissertation is the admissibility of restricting the office of insolvency administrator to natural persons in accordance with Section 56 InsO and the resulting exclusion of legal entities from the office of insolvency administrator. Since insolvency administration has developed into an independent profession and is often carried out by large administration companies with teams of lawyers, tax consultants and auditors, the statutory exclusion of legal entities from the office of insolvency administrator is in practice often only...
