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This dissertation deals with longer-term relationships between the exchange rates of the world's most traded currencies. The aim here is to uncover common developments in exchange rates using empirical methods and to analyze the causes of these common developments. Initially, explanatory approaches based on traditional macroeconomic exchange rate models are used. Due to the low explanatory content of these traditional models, not only longer-term common developments of exchange rates that are detached from fundamental dynamics are revealed in the following,...


Even 20 years after the fall of the Wall, the phenomenon of east-west migration within Germany is still of great importance. The extent and the selectivity of these migration movements reached unimagined dimensions. Against this background, this thesis analyzes and answers two of the economically relevant questions that arise in this context: the question of the macroeconomic determinants of east-west migration and the question of the future extent of these migration movements. Details Title: East-West migration in reunified Germany Subtitle:...


For the first time in the history of European integration, the Treaty of Lisbon allows a member country to leave the EU without giving a reason. What consequences could the exit option have? Can it be assumed that the member countries will not consider leaving the EU because EU membership has been so advantageous up to now? Or will the end of the European integration process be heralded with the now explicit option to leave? Could the right to withdraw...


Corresponding to the saying "Too many cooks spoil the broth" political decision-making is a challenging issue, especially when more than one party is involved. In the common opinion, political fragmentation either in parliament or in government slows down the legislative process and causes reform blockades. Whether too many cooks are really the source of these drawbacks is questionable as many other factors such as compensation payments, strategies and social norms are also connected with the process of decision-making and the...


Since the beginning of the reform and opening-up policy, China has confirmed its ability to change through very high economic growth and relatively low inflation rates. The People's Bank of China, as the Chinese central bank, has made an outstanding contribution to economic development through its monetary policy. Due to the different economic and financial structure compared to Western countries, the functioning and logic of Chinese monetary policy is characterized by a number of special features. This book provides an...


The introduction of a single currency was the political goal pursued on the African continent when the Organization for African Unity was founded in 1963. The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the possibility of implementing a single currency in Africa. The economic integration process will be at the center of the debate. i.e. the accent of this present work is not only on the single currency itself, but and much more on the path of integration that leads...
